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Saturday, November 2, 2019

Merkur Safety Razer from Solingen Germany

Having made the switch in January this year from my old Gillett Mach whatever razors (which I had used as long as I can remember) after Gillett's publication of the Anti-man SJW diatribe of a commercial about 10 months ago (I could link to that hateful and racist Commerical here, but I'll not give them any more additional publicity).  My Instagram quote at the time was:

'Due to all the SJW nonsense from the latest Gillett commercial, I've taken the decision to chuck my Mach3, which I have used for many years and take up the traditional wet shave with a safety razor (my grandfather used one). From one of the many heritage razor manufacturers right here in Deutschland, this Merkur model 23C safety razor has had many great reviews and here.  Having ordered it with a set of Platinum blades, delivery took only a couple of days directly from the Merkur website.  The shave is very fine, as while it requires a bit more attention and finesse than my old Mach 3, I think the results and pretty great.  Score 1 against man-hating SJWs!'

Suffice to say that my feelings about my former razer company have not softened over the intervening months, but my love of using a safety razor has only deepened.  This Merkur safety razor has performed fantastically and has been a real pleasure.  Indeed, it makes shaving whether at the washroom basin or in my bath a real event and a true pleasure.  The Merkur 23C is a closed comb razor, which offers less contact with the skin and is considered 'Safer' than an open comb razor for a review of both an open and closed comb razor follow this link.  As a beginner to shaving with a safety razor, I had no desire to butcher myself, so I went with the less aggressive style closed razor.  This razor is solidly made and engineered as one would expect from a German product.  Although this is not what I would call a 'Luxury' razor made with fancy handle or materials - just chrome covered steel, with a longer handle than usual and is a great starting razor for new users of a safety razor.  Having carefully cleaned and inspected the razor after 10months of use, I can find no evidence of rust or other corrosion whatsoever, which is good, because I do hope to be using it for many years to come.

As a natural collector, I have considered buying a couple of more fancy razor handles but frankly, I have found no need to go there yet. 

Would I recommend the switch?  Yes, yes I would - not only is the shaving experience generally improved, but I've saved a lot of money over the past 10 months or so from switching away from the old cartridge system razors.  

Me after a close shave!


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